Professor Sebastian Feichtmair
Sebastian Feichtmair runs the study program “International Business” at the DHBW-Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg Loerrach since October 2012. Sebastian and teaches primarily in the areas of Corporate Finance, Marketing, and Leadership. He undertakes many real projects with his students and thus combines theory and practice with a new teaching concept. Prior to his professorship appointment, he worked for 25 years in various management, board, and assistant functions at Daimler Benz, Festo KG, and KBC AG. He then became a member of the Executive Board at the publicly listed Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG, working primarily in the international arena. He is a member of various scientific associations on change management, consulting, leadership, and finance in SMEs. He graduated from the University of Augsburg, Germany with a Ph.D. degree.